Northside Elementary

Northside Elementary was established in 1955 and was known at the time as North Elementary.  In 1955, the school offered the latest in school design and was constructed of brick and a small quantity of steel. The school quickly became the town’s prized elementary school and to this day Northside holds many beloved memories for all who have entered its doors since 1955.

Northside Elementary – Class Pictures


Here are a few photos and class description from each class we have taught at Northside Elementary.

Class Title: Belonging

This course is designed as an awareness activity and introduces students to the community around them.

Different types of disabilities and their impact on individuals are discussed. Students learn about emplathy and understanding towards individuals with disabilities.

The course includes an introduction to the concept of inclusion and its importance in the community.

Class Title: Birds are Beautiful

The course provide students with an understanding of birds, their diversity, behavior, ecology, and conservation.

Includes combinations of lectures, hands-on activities, and field experiences.

Class Title: Dirt on Dirt

This course provides students with a understanding of soil, its composition, properties, formation, and importance in various ecosystems.

Through lectures and field experiences, students will explore the world of soil, including its physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, soil classification, and the role of soil in agriculture, ecology, and environmental sustainability.

Class Title: Don’t Be Afraid of Spiders

Don’t Be Afraid of Spiders is a course designed to help students overcome their fear of spiders and develop a better understanding and appreciation for these fascinating creatures.

Through education, exposure therapy, and interactive activities, students will learn about spider biology, behavior, and the benefits they provide to the ecosystem.

This course aims to replace fear and misconceptions with knowledge and respect, empowering students to coexist peacefully with spiders.

This is also a good example of one of our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) programs.

Class Title: Fun with Herbs

Fun with Herbs is an introductory course designed to help students explore the world of herbs and their diverse applications.

Through hands-on activities, discussions, and demonstrations, students l learn about different types of herbs, their cultivation, medicinal properties, culinary uses, and the art of creating herbal products.

This course fosters appreciation for herbs and empower students to use them in their daily lives for health, wellness, and enjoyment.

Class Title: I Can Eat a Whole Plant

Teach students how to identify edible plants.

Show pictures and real life  examples of common edible plants, such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

Students learn the different parts of plants that we eat, such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Class Title: 3 Rs of Recycling

This course teaches students about the importance of recycling and waste management to create a sustainable environment.

Students learn the concepts of recycling, waste reduction, and resource conservation.

Through hands-on activities and demonstrations students explore the different types of recyclable materials, recycling processes, and the environmental and economic benefits of recycling.

This project had an emphasis on engineering and students used recyclyed items to design and build a bridge.


Class Title: Geology

Volcano experiment lab.